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About RXCSF Youth Skiing• We are a Bill Koch Youth Ski League* club in Rochester, NY whose mission is to introduce kids 8th grade and under and their families to the thrills of cross-country skiing. (* named after the first US olympic medalist and world cup champion in cross-country skiing)
• Our goals are to have fun in the snow, develop cross-country skiing skills, and build a life-long love of the sport, while fostering a supportive team atmosphere. • We do this through games, drills, low-key races and several festivals with other Bill Koch League clubs. We offer a mix of introductory racing and non-competitive skiing activities, and encourage skiers to explore them all. We have additional racing-oriented options for those interested. • Practices are Saturdays, 1:00-3:00 pm. Location and time can vary due to on-snow events and weather, at venues such as Mendon Ponds Park, Harriet Hollister Spencer State Park, Durand Eastman Park, and Bristol Mountain Nordic Center. • Previously known as the Honeoye Falls and Genesee Valley Bill Koch Youth Ski League, our club has developed hundreds of skiers since the 1970s. Our name has evolved to reflect the greater Rochester area from which we draw and our affiliation with the Rochester XC Ski Foundation parent organization. |
New skiers are welcome!• Want to get outside and enjoy the winter? Join us! Even if you've never skied before, we can help you get comfortable on skis and into the mix. You can try out a practice or 2 before deciding whether to join (we do ask that you let us know that you’d like to come, complete the health screen and sign the online waiver - especially this year, we need to know in advance).
• Need gear? Inexpensive used equipment can usually be found at the HFL Ski Swap or through hand-me-down sales within the club. The club has some loaner equipment as well - ask about availability. We want to make it easy for you to try it out and fall in love with skiing! • Look around the Resources section of our website for more information and advice. Contact us with any questions, and join our email list for announcements. |